Magazines and advertising learner response'
1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). Answer- revise all CSPs and ensure each blog post is up to date - apply key concept(LIAR) to my analysis of CSP. - learn/apply media terminology in my answers. 2) Read through your answers again. Write down the mark you achieved for each question: Q1: 1 mark Q2: 1 mark Q3: 3 mark Q4: 2 mark Q5: 2 mark Q6: 0 mark 3) Write down five magazine cover conventions. Look back at the original notes if you need help. Answer-Title of publication - colour scheme -slogan - central image - cover line 4) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment . Question 3 asked you to write about h...