summer project 2019

Nike: Nothing Beats a Londoner

Narrative: What is the story of the advert?

Answer- the story of advert is that everyone has their own issues but some our worst then others.

Audience: What does the advert suggest about the lifestyle of someone who uses this product or brand?

Answer- the advert suggests that wearing the nike can defeat all your issues and that there lifestyle is busy.

Representations: What representations of young people can you find in this advert?

Answer- the representations of young people is that they are the future so their actions depend on the impact they make in the future.

Publix: Graduation

Narrative: What is the story of the advert?

Answer-the story of the advert is that no matter how many times you fail you will always eventually suceed if you keep on trying.

Audience: What does the advert suggest about the lifestyle of someone who uses this product or brand?

Answer- the advert suggest that someone whos uses this product can feel motivated and help them feel resillient through the bad times

Representations: What representations of young people can you find in this advert?

Answer- the representations of young people in this advert is that they go through a lot pressure for example they have a lot of school tests and some times might struggle.

Lynx: Is it OK for guys...

Narrative: What is the story of the advert

Answer- the story of the advert is that guys are stereotyped and they have expectations from other people are expected to do or like  certain things.

Audience: What does the advert suggest about the lifestyle of someone who uses this product or brand?

Answer- the advert suggests that about the lifestyle of a person who uses this brand or this product is that they come from a busy background.
Representations: What representations of young people can you find in this advert?

Answer- the representations of young people in this advert is that they are seen as violent or they dont have respect.


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