TV advert planning and Statement of Intent


I  intend to create a short body spray  advert aimed between the age of 14-18. in the advert i will be using three characters, the product i am using is lynx because it has such a vibrant and creative smell that creates a nice smelling delightful aroma. the location where i will be filming the advert is at a local public park and a local 5 a side football pitch. The reason why i choose to record my advert in those locations is so that i can really emphasize the effect of my product when being used.

Language and representation

the shots i will be using is medium shots and medium close up shots.The reason why i am using medium shots is to establish a full image of my character doing actions(having a kick about with the ball) and to show the background that can help promote my product and show what it might be used for. The other reason why I am using medium close up shots is to show what my product will look like so that the audience will have a overall summary about my product. The costume my character will be wearing is a football kit to really catch the audience’s attention and show that my product is aimed at young teenage boys and girls (unisex) who are interested in sport. The use of the clamps reinforces the stereotype because the character is wearing football kit which is suggesting that all boys are sporty and they all like sport. The use of cage is subverting the stereotype because the character is young ,from a BAME community and he is from a carribean ethnicity.
This would appeal to the audience because they might be in a situation where they need to rely on a product as reliable as mine and they could use it to help benefit them and support their needs for example when they need something that can help keep them smelling nice until they get home and get in the shower. My product can keep the person that uses it smelling nice for a long lasting 48 hours as my product traps bacteria and neutralizes with lovely smelling aromas that linger out your body keeping you smelling nice.


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