audience effect theory

1. Passive audience
    This is the view that audiences take in information from the media that has the same effect on               everybody.

2. Active audience

    This is the more modern and generally accepted view that audiences interact with the media they        consume.

3. Hypodermic needle theory
    This is the suggestion that audiences are always passive and therefore take the intended message        from the producer as if it was injected into their minds.

4. Information\Surveillance 
     Match of the day
    why: The match of the day gives you information about whats happening in football and the scores of      football matches.

    Dragon's Den
    why: The Dragon's Den  gives you information about peoples identity and ideas.



    why: Hollyoaks has a lot of drama and entertains the audience by having murders being unsolved.



    why: Hollyoaks has relationships that are sometimes ruined.

5. The blue planet trailer's audience pleasure is that is that it gives you audience and surveillance                allowing you to find out information that you did not know already.This offers the audience pleasures      by or links to media theory by providing information about the ocean(lives of the sea creature's are          explained).

EXTENSION: The saturday night take away's (first 5 minutes of the clip) audience pleasure is that it has                       diversion, entertainment and voyeuristic pleasure allowing you to watch people e.g hidden                       camera  shows\elements of reality television like Big Brother.



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