'October assessment learner response'

Q1  13/25  3 marks

Q2  all marks achieved for each question

Q1-0 marks
Q2-1 marks
Q3 1 marks
Q4-2 marks
Q5-2 marks
Q6-2 marks
Q7-1 marks
Q8-1 marks
Q9-3 marks

I think i didn't achieve full marks because i didn't write full sentences in detail.

Q3  target audience

Q4  question 2 was my stronger question because i was able to identify and suggest using connotation and denotation i was able to identify a beyonce advert.

Q5  question 6  was my question because i felt i could of got more marks if i wrote in full sentences.

Q6  what the person is wearing and it shows his facial expression. this suggests sadness and anger.these charities use pictures of children in their advertising because if the consumer sees a child upset , the consumer is going want to help them. the producer does this to catch the consumer's attention and help donate money to charities. For example in the water aid advert the boy is wearing blue dirty clothes and he has a sad face.This suggests that he the boy doesn't get his clothes washed regularly and the boy needs help.This could also suggest that he is hungry,aggravated,sad and desperate for clean healthy water.  


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