doctor strange analysis



costume- he is wearing a cloak this suggests that he is a hero.
lighting- the lighting is quite bright so this suggests that it is a action film.
actors- the actor is well known so this could catch the audiences attention.
make up- his face is quite pale so it shows his character.
props-weapons help show its genre and that it is an action film.
setting- the setting is quite different and it looks like the setting is in the future.


-the films name is not written normally the writing is empathizing the action in the film.
-the date shows when it will be out.
-the producers show the actors so you know who is behind the film so u can watch similar movies.
-characters in it will tell you who the actors are  so if you like the actor you can watch movies with the  actor you like (Benedict Cumberbatch).
- the back ground is bright and this causes to catch the audiences attention and possibly watch the film
-judging by the cover and background it ells you a bit about the film and what genre it maybe might be.
- all these things help the companies film get more views that mean they make more profit and this expands the brand.


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