Tatler blog task


1)People who are rich and posh and like different styles  and this also for people who are in a higher class or middle class this is because they have lots of money are seen different then the other classes and they also have inherited wealth which means they have disposable income and can spend unlimited money on luxury items.

2) The editor introduces the magazine as creative and something are our generation will like and it is a Lifestyle magazine with focus on fashion; high society events such as balls and celebrities such as the Royal family and members of the aristocracy (people with inherited wealth, titles and land.)

3)These demographics details tell me that the average reader would be at least 41 and the gender of the reader would be a female that has a lot of style and likes designer clothing.

4) Tatler think that fashion is an important thing and that everyone needs them that why they spend 188 million pounds on jewellery and watches this shows that they really care about having luxury and expensive things.

5)The special editions of tatler that are run throughout the year is travel guide,wedding guide,beauty and cosmetic surgery guide, spa guide,watches and jewellery guide and school guide. This suggests that the psychographic groups that read tatler will want to buy these products to make themselves look better.


1) -There is a clear title of publication.
    -There is central image with  a woman with an edgy hairstyle.
    -There is flash which links to rich and superior or important.
    -The 'real' target audience

2)The title font is sans serif which brings out title more and makes the title stand and be the first thing you see when you look at the magazine and because it is big it will catch the attention of readers and make them want to buy the magazine.this connotes that they are trying to show women readers that women are superior and should dress up and look nice.

3)They are in a small font so that when you look at the central image you will notice whats around it and you will want to read it and see what's going on.this choice  connotes that they are advertising stuff and giving you chances to meet people like the model in the magazine

4) The cover lines appeal to tatler's target audience by making them want to read more magazine from tatlers because if woman get to meet the models they might want to meet more so by reading another tatler magazines they can meet more models.

5)There is three colours. the pink stand for beauty and femine and the black and white contrasts against the background which is nature.finally the black and white makes it easier for the readers to read the  cover line.

6)The central image is designed to create interest in the magazine by having unordinary make up which that makes the model look different and stand out and suggests modern.then the use of mise-en-scene(costume) attracts attention because she is wearing bright clothing.


1)The different people  represented on the cover is upper class people(people who have a a lot of money and wealth and spend endlessly).

2)The cover lines suggest that rich people in the united kingdom  are usually the ones that have expensive clothing and look different compare to other people. finally rich people in the united kingdom have a very luxury lifestyle because they can be comfortable and not worry like middle class and lower class people that have to focus on bills and other stuff like that.

3)They would be subverting stereotypes by having a young white female being shown with lots of make up this is because it suggests that white women are not pretty without make up so they wear makeup to make themselves look pretty

4)This will suggest that tatler only want white people reading their magazines instead of having multicutural groups reading their magazines.

5)The oppositional reading is that women should always think of themselves as beautiful even without no make,make up is just a bonus.the preferred reading is that all women look beautiful in make up and they should always look stylish,pretty and that women should dress up in the most expensive and finest clothing.


1)Not all people are posh in britain so they wont be affected because they wont want to dress up posh anyways because they might not like it.

2) This suggests that the magazines representation in britain will cause a lot of people to buy because its something everyone can use in their life.

3)Middle class people will be offended because tatler is trying to say that only upper class people can afford these things and that even though middle class people work hard they can still not afford expensive things.

4)The issue that is regularly showed int he tatler magazines is that there is only white models and that shows that tatler is not trying to promote diversity or multi culture and that also means tatler is not attracting more people then it should be attracting.


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