represent NHS blood and transplant campaign

1) What does BAME stand for?
Answer- bame stands for black,asian,minority,ethnicities.

2) Why is there a need for blood in the BAME community? 
Answer- there is a need for blood in the BAME community so that everyone feels like they are  helping others .

3) What does this advert want people to do once they've seen it ('call to action')?
Answer- the advert want people from the BAME community to donate blood.

4) Why is the advert called 'Represent'?
Answer- the advert is called represent because they want  black and Asian people to represent the BAME  community by donating blood.

5) Why have the producers chosen famous BAME celebrities to feature in the advert? Give an example of three well-known people who appear in the advert and why they are famous.
Answer- the producers have chosen  famous  BAME celebrities to feature in the advert so it can encourage and persuade more black and Asian people to donate blood.
Kanya king MBE,CEO and  founder of MOBO organisation.
Beth willets,dancer
Chukka umunna,politician.

6) Why is there a slow-paced long shot of empty chairs at the end of the advert?
Answer- to make the BAME  community   want to help and realise what they need to do to make a change in society and make black ppeople want to help more so they feel like their doing their part to help others.

7) How does the advert match the key conventions of a typical rap music video?
Answer- the advert matches the key conventions of a typical rap music video because the Props regarding costume tend to be used, for e.g. gold jewellery (male rap artists are commonly known to wear heavy chains or prominent rings.

8) How does the advert subvert stereotypes? Give three examples (e.g. ethnicity, masculinity, femininity, age, class, disability/ability etc.) 
Answer- the advert subverts stereotypes because there is lots of different races in the video.

9) How does the advert reinforce certain stereotypes of the BAME community? Could there be an oppositional reading where some audiences would find this advert offensive or reinforcing negative stereotypes?
Answer-they reinforce  certain stereotypes of the BAME community by having a black person rap and usually rap portrays violence which means  it  is trying to show that black people only portray violence.

10) Choose one key scene from the advert and write an analysis of the connotations of camera shots and mise-en-scene (CLAMPS).
Answer-the beginning where lady leshurr does a whole body camera shot which presents her with jewellery.


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