Statement of Intent feedback and Learner Response

1) Read your feedback carefully and then write a summary of it in your own words using WWW / EBI.


  • A very basic statement of intent submitted which does not really have a clear narrative it has features of how it could potentially promote lifestyle for a teenage audience to draw similarities to.
  • Limited use of subject terminology.


  • Strengthen literacy skills and proof-read my writing to make my work improve.
  • need to have a strong main narrative in my introduction.
  • Don't just write clamps and cage explain how i will use them in detail in my advert.
  • Write down the camera shots and audio you will use and why?

2) Do you need to make any changes to your narrative? Why?

Answer- i do need changes to my narrative because my narrative is weak and it does explain what my product intends to do.
3) How can you improve the use of media terminology in your Statement of Intent?

Answer- use a variety of subject terminology.
4) Representation and stereotyping was a weakness in some drafts. How will you address the key concept of representation in your next draft?

Answer- i will use representation in my draft better by using cage and clamps and writing in more detail.
5) Finally, think about audience. Why would the target audience (14-18 year olds) enjoy your advert?

Answer- my target audience will enjoy my advert because they can relate to it  and they can use my product.


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