A brief history of videogames: blog task

1) What were the first videogames like?

Answer- the first video games were very excites for people in those times and they were very animated.

2) How have videogames changed over time?

Answer- the video games have changed over time because they have become more graphic and detailed.

3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing videogames?

Answer- the thing that most successful games have in common is that they make the games purpose to be different from reality.

4) What criticisms have been made towards videogames?

Answer- criticisms that have been made towards video games is that they are showing the wrong impression in their games for example some games might be explicit.

1) How many Fortnite players are there worldwide?

Answer-there are 250 million players worldwide.

2) Why is it so popular? What are the audience pleasures of the game?

Answer- the reason why the game is so popular is because it has  features that no other game has and the audience pleasures is that fornite is quite creative and it lets u explore and use your imagination.

3) Why might some people criticise Fortnite?

Answer- some people might criticise fortnite because it has a lot of shooting and it doesnt really show a good image to the younger people who play this game.

4) Copy and paste two comments from 'below the line' of the Guardian article - these are comments written by Guardian readers in response to the feature. Select one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and explain why.

Answer-“That game shouldn’t be allowed. 
           “shouldn’t really play Fortnite,”
Answer- i disagree with the comment 'that games shouldn't be allowed' this is because games are designed for people to communicate,have fun and be creative.


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